April 23, 2024

There is a bad moon rising this week as we take a look at An American Werewolf in London. The Shocktober Train chugs along. We decided to go back to the 80s and look at John Landis’ comedy-horror classic. Besides, this year marks the 35th anniversary of its release. It’s perfect timing. This week, the original trio of Arthur, Dalton, and Dustin sit at the table to break apart Werewolf.

American Werewolf

On this week’s show, the game may be one of our more ridiculous efforts. We try and pitch “Where in the World is an American Werewolf” movies. The answers are fun, and Dalton loves saying the name of the game. Afterwards, the full moon shines and we open the film up for analysis. Dustin runs a roundtable for this episode. The first question is in regards to sympathetic antagonists and why the protagonist in werewolf films often become the antagonist.

Next, Dustin questions the connection between sexuality and werewolf-ism. Dustin first draws allusions to sex and vampire, but is curious about the connection here. The gentlemen then move into a look at the Jewish themes running through the narrative. The idea of survivor’s guilt comes up as well. Also, Dustin makes Holocaust and War connections. A discussion of the history of the werewolf tale comes up as Arthur inquires as to why the UK has so many werewolves. Finally, the segment ends with a discussion of the other.

American Werewolf

We don’t know what happened after that. The next thing we remember is waking up naked at the zoo. Dalton stole some balloons from a child, it was a unique experience. Anyway, the moon is about to rise again, so you can hit that play button. We need some more aspirin for our headache.

American Werewolf

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Loot Crate

An American Werewolf in London Timestamps

00:35 – Welcome and Introductions
03:15 – Synopsis and Reviews
10:43 – The Game – Where in the World is an American Werewolf
17:25 – Social Media
19:39 – Analysis
40:27 – Shelf or Trash/Else or Instead
43:43 – Wrap Up

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