April 23, 2024

Welcome back to your favorite film analysis podcast, the GenreCast from GoodTrash Media. This week, the Denzel train keeps rolling as we wander the desert in The Book of Eli. 

We Read from the Book of Eli 

Book of Eli

As #ABWD continues, we move into the Old Man Action Hero phase of Denzel’s career. Some would argue that the phase begins with Man on Fire, and they wouldn’t be wrong. But, we already talked about a Tony Scott film, and The Book of Eli is the definition of a GoodTrash film. The story centers on Eli (Washington) who is trekking across a post-apocalyptic America. He feels he has been supernaturally tasked to deliver a book to the West Coast. With the help of Solara (Kunis), Eli takes on raiders, cannibals and the power-hungry Carnegie (Oldman) on his journey in the wilderness.

This week, Arthur, Dalton and Dustin gather around to discuss the appeal of the Old Man Action cycle. There is an in-depth discussion of the evolution of the cycle as well as thoughts as to why it appeals to audiences. Dalton brings up formalist questions about color palette and visual style. And then, Dustin takes the discussion in the natural direction you would expect—theology. He brings up the mixed signals of the films narrative, and examines why it is a damaging tool for churches to use if not approached in the right context or discussion.

So there you have it, dear listener. We only have one week left with Denzel, but the GenreCast has miles to go before it sleeps. We will continue on the path of righteousness, will you join us? Remember, you must walk by faith—not by sight.. or sound.


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