April 28, 2024

The Month of Brig keeps rolling here at the GenreCast as we take a look back at 1995’s influential anime, Ghost in the Shell. That’s right, because he is a Patron and pledged the right amount, Brigham Cole has sentenced us to a month of Anime. Something never explicitly mentioned on air was the reasoning behind our selections. We wanted to embrace influential or highly regarded Anime from each decade to examine the growth and evolution of the beloved style of filmmaking. We started with Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984) since it is the seed for what would become Studio Ghibli. Alex then selected Summer Wars (2009) because of its thematically rich plot and reputation. We then chose Ghost in the Shell (1995) because of its influence on Hollywood cinema.

Ghost in the Shell
This week, we kick things off with our game and talk about our favorite Action Movie Scores. This movie has a fantastic score that drives the action, so we thought we’d celebrate by highlighting some of our other faves. Do you have any scores you think we overlooked? Let us know in the comments below! We then take Ghost in the Shell to the operating table and try to uncover what’s really going on. Alex brings up the age old question, SUB vs DUB! That’s right, she discusses a bit of adaptation theory involving subtitles and how a film’s original message or intent can sometimes be misinterpreted through translation. Caleb takes over with a discussion of sentience and ethics and how Ghost in the Shell discusses that philosophy. Dalton pans the film over its ridiculous use of the male gaze which completely kills any goodwill that the movie may earn. He essentially states the any potentially good idea about gender or sexuality is quickly tripped up by the camera’s incessant ogling of the female form. Dustin then piggybacks off of Caleb’s analysis to discuss sentience and humanity and what makes a person a person. And while the movie didn’t get generally favorable reviews from the table, it jumpstarts great discussion across the board.

Ghost in the ShellWell, there you have it dear listener. We’re three-quarters of our way through this anime journey, and we look to end things on a high note. If you have any thoughts on our analysis and what we had to say; if you want to disagree with us; if you want to call Dalton a doodoo head; then please, leave us a comment below! Now, put activate your invisibility gear and click that play button.

Ghost in the Shell

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Ghost in the Shell Time Stamps

00:45 – Welcome and Intros
03:33 – Synopsis and Reviews
12:33 – The Game – Action Movie Scores
21:12 – Analysis
50:02 – Shelf or Trash/Else or Instead
55:47 – Wrap up, Social Media, and Next Week’s Film

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